Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vava'u Snorkelling

During our week on board we did our fare share of snorkeling. Some of it was absolutely mind blowing and made more so by the drop and goes by Ross. They would back us right into the spot then we could usually snorkel along with the current then just give them a wave and they would come in and pick us up, pure luxury or laziness.

Ross backing us into our first snorkel at the swallows cave. Dyl was the last one in the water.

Jodie and the kids dive into the entrance of the first cave. Yes we are soft after three years here and we all wore wetsuits bar Em as she has recently out grown hers and her fins were also too small.

Inside the first cave the roof top opens up and the rain forest drops down inside.

Looking up at Em as she swims past the opening above.

A quick self portrait snap.

The second cave was a little larger and had a couple of other people in it when we arrived. As you can see the clarity was incredible. 

Em spent most of her time here chasing the schools of fish. There was thousands of them everywhere.

The view looking back out of the cave toward the entrance.

Our next snorkel adventure was another drop and go but this time ESCAPADE NZ went to anchor so we snorkeled around the bay. Then Jodie decided to walk the beach but without glasses? It proved too difficult until she realised she still had her prescription mask. Yes Jodie very fashionable.

Lyndon picked up a little sucker fish who wanted a lift everywhere.

Nearly back to the boat Em. With another beautiful beach behind her.

When we visited the Ark gallery we jumped in for another snorkel. This is the first time we have ever seen such a large cowry shell still alive in the wild. 

Em has a thing for picking up every type of star fish she can find. This was one of the bigger ones and red for a change from the regular blue ones.

We found Nemo too and this little guy was far from camera shy.

After a late days fishing we still managed to squeeze in some more snorkeling.

Which turned into a night dive. Em was a little freaked but still enjoyed the experience.

Snorkeling on the outside wall of Haunga Island.

Crazy tourists doing their best star fish impersonations.

Em says to me get a photo of Nemo there must have been at least 16 of the little fella's. Which one, Em?

This was just a random spot that Ross and Denise like to drop into and with the current and protection from the weather the clarity and reef are amazing as you can see.

Who needs a semi sub when you can just hang onto Dad.

This coral is in the middle of the Japanese Gardens. So much colour which you can never capture in pictures.

Our last snorkel was along this cliff face. The reef was OK but the big draw card was the large fish and the shear drop off only meters out 

All done and dusted. Then with a quick wave Ross was there in a second to pick us up.

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