Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Finally a Girls day out on the boat - Sikota

With a perfect day forecasted Lyndon decided it was time to head out in comfort as Aust Defence had use of the Hig Commission boat "Sikota" this week. The mighty BLAH BLAH had the day off. So we dragged Dee out of her bed and down to the boat in 30 min and we were off to chase whales,snorkel, swim and visit a few Islands. A first for Dee who's been on a promise for eeeeever, Jeff and Hel's.

Three chicks in Togs - check. Two fishing rods - check and then the mile long boat check list and we were off. Dee didn't want a hat or sun screen as she was determined that her second last day in tonga would produce a tan she could go proudly back to Ireland with.

Not ten minutes out we spotted our first bunch of whales then we moved off the edge of the reef and out went the lines. Dee asked why they were going out - well when the line goes off girl your on it. Not 5 minutes later and the scream of both the reel and Dee was heard.

During the fight the comment was 'this is harder than child birth". Jodie disagreed but eventually Dee had her first Tongan fish inboard.

Jeff made short work of this little fella.

Hel's wasn't being left behind and wanted her own sashimi to give her parents.

Skipper for the days entertainment was Lyndon and Jeff.

Eventually young Jodie was on and once her little fish was released the call was made "Open the wine we deserve it now girls and I'm sure a bar somewhere in the world is open this early." Well it was atleast 10.30am

The crystal waters as we made our approach into Tau Island.

It is our most Northern island in our group and picture perfect.

Safely anchored we were off on a walk around the island.

Another "Where the bloody hell are you?" photo opportunity.

What better way to spend your second last day in Tonga hey Dee.

On our way back to Malinoa Island we came across a few big mums playing with the kids.

They never ceases to amaze us with their effortless movements through the ocean.

Lyndon stayed onboard and cleaned the fish while the others snorkelled and explored the Malinoa island.

What else was left but to simply enjoy the return trip to Nuku'alofa with friends, wine, pate, cheese and fishing.

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