Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vava'u ESCAPADE NZ adventure begins!

After a weekend of recovery at home from Ha'apai we headed off on our next adventure to Vava'u to join Ross and Denise on board their boat ESCAPADE NZ for a week. ESCAPADE NZ is a beautifully finished off game boat which Lyndon fished off last season for the TIGFA comp now it was the families turn to live aboard during our stay in Vava'u. The big plan was to cruise around the various Island groups and possibly squeeze in a few days fishing. The weather was against us for the first couple of days but came up trumps from there on in. We took so many pictures so we'll have to break this one down into a few entries.
Another flight with Chathams and Dyl was chuffed as he was the only one short enough to walk down the aisle. The kids called it the cigar plane as you can see from the pictures, long and skinny.

After dropping through the clouds this was our first view of the Island group we where about to explore by sea.

This is ESCAPADE NZ our home away from home for a few days.

This is the entire Vava'u group and the pins mark Marlin captures. Not all of ours sadly.

Our hosts for the week Ross and Denise.

Most mornings kicked off with a huge breakfast to see us through the days activities.

Jodie and Denise cooking up a storm in the galley. 

EM scored the top bunk in the kids room. Pooh Bear also came along for the ride. 

Dyl loved the bottom bunk as he had a little cave to hide in. You may be able to just see his feet in the shot above?

I dare not put a shot of Jodie in our bed. So this is Jodie enjoying her day bed. Nanna naps while you fish, how good is this.

Jodie also found another good use for the game chair while she enjoyed her morning coffee at anchor.

Em found what she thinks is the most comfy seat on board. But she needs to put some padding on that Bonny butt of hers as I couldn't feel my legs after 30min.

Fishing already and Jodie is still in he PJ's enjoying her mandatory morning coffee.

After a successful day out what better way to pick your nights anchorage than over a beer with the skipper.

Jodie enjoying a morning swim before we moved off. Apparently she was going to swim around the island in the distance. It never happened as we think she made that decision after she took her glasses off.

This isn't the budget cruise but a local village boat bringing people into town for the day.

Em showing Ross that she can drive a squillian dollar boat through the reef. Reef, what reef!!!

Hey Dad look no hands! Actually Dyl had it all down, "This thing has Auto pilot Dad so no one needs to drive." What better way to enjoy the view and to keep an eye on your lures and No Dyl we can't get one on BLAH BLAH.

Peek a boo was a great game. You'd be down below and Em would be screaming out from above.

Dyl rarely left the bottom deck when the big lures went out. Any bites yet Buddy?

How's this for dedicated, Ross had a school of tuna painted on his hull during the last slipping. They looked great on the hull and we reckon they worked too.

Emily helped Denise cook up cakes most days. Especially seeing there was always a bowl to be licked clean.

The week before we turned up the washer/dryer died so the outriggers came to the rescue on laundry day.

Another perfect sunset in Vava'u, thought I'd squeeze in the Riviera badge for Roscoe.

On our final day we managed to squeeze in a family photo with Lures, rods and reef.
What a great week, with so many magical family memories. Enjoy, we definitely did.

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