Saturday, September 15, 2012

Any given Sunday - Tongan style

ALWAYS A FUN DAY AT THE FINES. As Hel's and Jeff had such a good time on their first visit and possibly as Jeff supplied enough beers for Moe Snr, Sal and the gang, they got an invite back. This year Hel's mum and Dad joined us (from the USA) on one proviso - Jeff wears the dress! Not one to be the odd one out and as Sal had a few spares (he was busy prepping the pig) Rochelle was more than happy to lend a hand to dress Jeff up.
No more whinging about how long it takes Hel's to get into a dress, for a while anyway.

All ready for church.

On our way out of the church we had to stop by the thong tree and get another updated photo.

The boys are hiding out here somewhere!

The next generation of Umu participants. All the girls had to have a cuddle though. Poor things get to grow up right next to the spit pole so they do know what they are in for down the track.

Sal gets the last of the hair off with the husk of a young coconut.

Let the rotations begin. LMQ up first, lucky there were two eskies of beer this time, so no man would go thirsty!

Fahu must have tough feet as he was standing in the umu pit and thought nothing of it.

Moe Snr supervised from the shade this year but still managed a few comments about not letting the Palangi's burn his puwaka.

As usual everyone has a go, (this is Bob- Helens dad,) and the hot topic for the palangi's is how to rig a motor to the handle. Now where is the fun in that?

Dyl even got in on the action this time around and around and around. Good job buddy.

It takes about four hours or today two cases of beer and is always a great chance to just sit around and chat with mates.

Even Em snuck out from the girls in the house who were preparing the rest of the feast, Rochelle was giving lessons on how to make Lu and ota ika.

Moe moved in when it was time to open up the umu.

This poor pig had so much slippage that we had 5 extra sticks up it's butt to stop it spinning on the spit.

The pig ain't that small Fahu is just the rock with master assistant Tomasi.

Fahu always does the carving of the pig.

Prayers and then adults to the lounge, kids to the kitchen.

Cooked to perfection! Smiles all round.

After dinner the boys moved back outside for a last ale or two.

Once home and out of our extremely smokey clothes it wasn't quite bed time so we had a few more games of pool.

Lyndon continued to strip Tua Neu for Dylan. Just what you need a drunk with a 2 foot machete.

Better yet two drunks with pool ques.

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