Friday, September 28, 2012

Vava'u Cruising the Island group.

We passed so many different sights and crazy island just sticking up out of the ocean so this is more different views from through out the weeks adventure.

The Tongan Beach resort as we headed out of the main harbour.

Some of the islands- there is no way onto them yet they have strange animals living on them eg goats so we were told.

Some of the larger rock walls have caves and cracks that you can snorkel right up into and one you even have to dive up into. We opted out of that one, group decision.

Some of the colours in the water ways is crazy as you look through little passage ways between islands.

Another example of the colour changes and we found an awesome nemo near this lot.

Jodie and Dyl called this one the chocolate cheese cake Island.

So many little nooks and crannies to explore in both the boat and snorkeling.

We didn't get the opportunity to explore this hole but it looked cool as.

Another Island miles of the coast as we headed south to chase our Marlin not far out from it the ocean bed drops straight down to 500+metres.

This is where we saw our first close up whales, splashing around.

We'd be trawling along and all of a sudden we would change course because some big whale would pop up to see whats going on.

This was one of the biggest whales and it was having a ball.

The entrance into our overnight Anchorage. Yep, between those rocks, known to the locals as "the whole in the wall".

Rocks to the left of us.

Boulders to the right.

Another opening further along the same rock wall.

Nature at it's best. Rain forest and jungle all the way to the reef.

A secluded beach right near the Japanese coral gardens.

Looking back across the break wall behind the Japanese coral gardens and it opens up into another bay called the blue lagoon.

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