Saturday, September 15, 2012

Holidays in the Ha'apai Island Group

We joined Hel's and Jeff for their last week of holidays and flew up to Ha'apai with them. Jodie and the kids had been before but this was Lyndon's first visit. We stayed at Sandy Beach Resort as Jodie already knew Boris and the kids loved the beach there. This time around we booked in to swim with the whales which is an entry all on it's own. It was a very relaxing few days and we were pretty lucky with the weather.
Another first for flying with Craig and the Chatham fleet. This time we got to go up in Craig's beloved DC3 (tail dragger). Built in the late 40's early 50's, I recall. Its nick name is the Casablanca plane.

Craig told us he doesn't normally hold men's hands but at work it's OK. No technology here and some people come all this way just to fly on this old beauty.

The city, OK large village of Nuku'alofa.

It's very cool up front then you see that Craig is flying slow enough to still have his window open. He truly loves his DC3.

Just some of the Ha'apai group as we flew in. Another advantage of the DC3 nothing flies by and we also saw whales on the way up, breaching even.

After a bumpy ride to the resort we were ready for a chilling beer before check in.

Horse riding anyone? The local village supplies the horses, no saddles just a soft blanket.

Hel's volunteered to do the ride with the kids, that was before she found out about the no saddle part oh and that you control your own horse bit. Go White Beauty.

Our first evenings Sunset from our Fale - Taha Ua (No.12).

Em's version of "Where the Bloody Hell are you!"

Sunset wasn't too high on the agenda for the boys, there was fishing to be done.

Our first night was full of celebrations as the kids took off into the night chasing hermit crabs.

Also it was our 13th wedding anniversary and Hel's and Jeff met at Jodie's Hens night.

This is the way to wake up in the morning. The kids are great now days they are up and gone. It's an island where can they go?

Dyl and Lyndon fished every inch of the main beach. Night and Day.

Lyndon let Jodie get a romantic beach shot as long as she held a fishing rod as well as his hand.

Not long after the above photo, Dyl was hysterical as his fishing line had snapped and he had lost his newest lure. Jodie volunteered Lyndon to swim out and get it. About half way out he realised the current was on it's way out and that Dylan can now cast a bloody long way. All good, one red and white popper saved to loose again another day.

Another ripper sunset as we walked back from the kids pizza dinner at the next resort along (OK the only other resort).

Jodie and Hel's enjoyed a bottle or two of wine each night back at the rooms while they flogged Jeff and I in Scrabble. So many years of practice with these two.

No not abandoned, some local boys took this out every day to go fishing.

Dyl fished and Em explored the coast line. Here with another one of her secret beaches,

Now this is a Tongan dog house.

It was always easy to find Dyl. Last time Dyl stayed here he befriended young JP who lives at the next resort so they were back at it. Rabbit ears anyone.

Dyl with yet another catch and release on hermit crab bait.

Just some of the reef straight out in front of the fale's. It was a touch cool for Jodie and I so Em provided these photos.

Dyl had another idea to cover the further out bombies. Dad you paddle the double kayak and I fish from the front! Holding it still over a bomby sounded easier than it was but it did produce the better fish.

With our holiday over we flew back with Craig on the DC3. I couldn't work out why Dyl was concentrating so much out the window and then...........

Dad isn't that the reef section we catch our Wahoo on and over there that's where we catch the Doggies. Fishing what else and he was right too! 

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