Saturday, September 15, 2012

Swimming with the whales in Ha'apai.

This entry is more a collection of photos as each one paints a picture of a thousand words. We booked an entire days whale watching with Whales and Sails of Ha'apai. We had 6 in our group and another couple joined us for the day out in the RHIB. We were all so excited to be heading out as it was a perfect day and it just got better, with only a 5 minute ride before our first encounter. The whales come up to calve in these warmer waters and the little ones whack on approx 45kgs a day while they are in these waters. That's a hell of a lot of milk for mum to produce. Tonga is one of the last Nations where you can still swim with them hence we took the plunge.
As it was a stinker of a day. Hats and Sunscreen.....check. Reluctantly though.

Smiles all round.........check.

Tongan whale spotter Semisi........check. He also doubles as the only Taxi driver on the island, might I add his back window was a taped in shower curtain.

Family and other excited tourists.........check. Now all we need is.........

Over here. Welcome to Ha'apai!

No look at me. I'm brand new, never been swum with. Higher, mum they can't see my little fins.

This little fella was a real handful for his mum and escort as we all guessed he had recently learnt how to breach.

And breach he did.

For nearly 2 hrs but was way too active for us to get in the water. The mum and minder had to constantly cut him off and direct him back into deeper water.

Finally, Hel's and Jeff got to have what turned out to be their best experience.

As they approached an escort came up and swam right under them. Possibly as the calf was only days old our guide thought they were just being a little more protective. Sadly they didn't have the under water camera as they were happy to use their Tongan camera ( your eyes).

Dylan was a great spotter up on the bow.

A once in a life time shot of a flying fish and only minutes earlier Lyndon said he thought this was his best opportunity to get one. Yep!

Lunch time we pulled up on a coral atoll/bomby.

The clarity and fish life was amazing.

More fish. Lets call these ones "Blue one's".

So many fish but no nemo yet.

One of my favourite shots.

We had a great lunch, although it had a lacing of Chilly that really snuck up on you. Everyones lips were burning. All done, it was off to find more whales. Don't look at me spot the big fella's.......and that's not me!

"Ha'apai Whales and Sails" this picture has it all. A great advertising shot.

The arvo was full of whale tails.

This is our favourite above water shot and may need to go on some canvas when we get home.

Effortlessly down she goes.

As we slowly approached this family, the little one decided to come in for an even closer look at us. 

Like an ice burg it's not whats above the water but............

what you see below. You know when you can't fit them into the frame that they are simply huge animals or you are just too close.

After a few minutes mum decided it was time to move away and with one swish of their tails they were gone.

The smile says it all. That is a life experience that none of us will ever forget and we did it together as "The Quirke Tribe". How amazing is TONGA.

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