Saturday, September 8, 2012

100th Student Celebrations.

To mark our 100th member to join Tae Kwon Do in Tonga we held a party but due to the rain we had to move it to under our house. As always the juniors turned up early or on time then the rest began to trickle in before long the place was packed. Yvane and Eb had organised games and quiz while Lyndon set up the entertainment and BBQ. 

Poor Saia turned up early and was instantly mugged by the juniors. Where's your self defence now?

Craig and Yvane decided to take their turn at burning the million sausages.

Nysiola decided it was time for some limbo while the boys went out into the compound.

How low can she go?

Yvane gave a great speech which also included a collection of photos and video from the past three years of United Tae Kwon Do in Tonga.

The very moist chocolate cake said it all.

Quiz time was broken into mixed teams including parents and friends.

Some teams were very secretive.

Some questions had tasks like "how low can your horse riding stance go".

Chris had to do a kick over Em's head.

Ava demonstrating a new move someone in her group had just taught her.

Dyl was just hanging out with his mates. Don't stretch mum's clothes line either.

Our oldest student Yvane and our newest Saia (Jr) cut the cake. 

An assortment of our students from over the years. How long till the 200th party - can we wait that long?

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