Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vava'u general fishing tales!

With living on a boat for week there was no avoiding any opportunity to fish. Dyl made the most of every waking moment. We fished from sun rise to bed time, even through meal times as Dylan had brought his bell's which let us know when the rod got a bite.

Earlier in the day Ross was talking about a Green Job fish that he gave away as he was unsure of it's edibility. That arvo the three boys headed out in the tender and of all the fish in the ocean what fish do we catch? A Green Job fish! Dinner doesn't get any fresher.

While Lyndon cleaned up the tender and gear, Ross filleted dinner.

At our next anchorage Dyl had his little rod over the side and then all of a sudden his bells went off.

This fish put up a great fight and gave Dyl some real stick.

Welcome aboard big fella. A part of the parrot fish family, apparently the locals love them but we didn't risk it.

Whenever we moved spots we always had a trawling line in. Dyl picked up this little tuna on our way out of the harbour.

Straight into the live bait tank that night Ross and Lyndon had bets on how long he would live. Lyndon reckons Ross turned the pump off too early but by early morning he was dead bait.

Dyl was still excited as he had his first skip bait ready to feed a big Marlin.

Next filleting job was Lyndon's. Dylan was hanging around for some fresh bait.

It wasn't long and the fresh bait paid off with another night of fishing entertainment.

Who needs monsters - these fish put up a great fight again on Dyl's light gear.

So much so that Em even had a go in her PJ's.

Even the chief bottle washer got to wind one in.

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