Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Vava'u Dylan's First Marlin experience.

After spending three days cruising the inner islands and avoiding the not so pleasant weather we finally got to head out to the big blue sea. We headed out early in the morning as the girls were still in bed when we started the mains and headed off. Dyl was the perfect little decky asking all the right questions and helping where ever possible.
OK mum we are fishing now so go get changed.

Dyl figured the action area was the back deck and he was going to be "Johnny on the spot" when that first fish hits. Although he did squeeze in a nap while he was waiting.

It didn't take to long and the first reel began to scream. Lyndon and Jodie cleared the other  lines while Denise got him strapped into the seat.

After all the practice on the monster Wahoo and Doggie's back home, he had the technique down pat. Everyone was excited as we didn't see the fish jump on the initial hook up and it was all a mystery. 

This was the case for the entire 59min fight, the fish never surfaced and better yet Dyl never gave it a chance to relax. From the initial run and bend in the rod we guessed it was a descent fish. Lyndon was chair man and safety number just in case it tried to pull Dylan overboard. The weather was still a little choppy and we did take a few waves over the back as Ross backed the boat up on the fish. 

Eventually she surfaced just off the back of the boat, everyone was so excited after such a long fight Dyl got to see his first ever Blue Marlin. Denise got the Tag in as Ross leadered the fish along side.

Once the Tag was in Dyl got to leave the seat and have a closer look.

Now this is one happy boy!

Pink and White out on the shotgun was the winning lure on the 24kg rod.

Ross congratulating Dylan and welcoming him to the Marlin club. Ross was also impressed that Dylan wanted to Tag and release the fish so it could fight another day. Also, the points are better for his end of year total.

The winning combo of angler and tackle. Now get it in so we can catch another one!

Official estimated weight 80kg Blue Marlin on 24kg.

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