Friday, September 28, 2012

Vava'u Non fishing activities.

Now that we look through these pictures there are so many things to do in this Island group and you can do something every day no matter the weather conditions. Here is a small sample of what we go up to.

Cruising the deserted beaches looking for shells and little critters.

Cruising the beaches at low tide gives you another whole world to explore in the rock pools and even a chance for a romantic walk along a beach. If the kids can leave you alone for a few seconds?

An arty picture from our first little hidden beach. Forgot the name of the bay.

General swimming from the tender, the girls decided to jump in and cool off but if you look at the centre of the picture you can see Dyl's lure in the middle of a cast. What else would you expect him to be doing?

Em had only recently visited the Vava'u group with her friend Alice and a must do in her books was the Ark Gallery. A lady lives on board and maintains the moorings and does her art work.

Looking back in toward the little sales section.

The reverse shot. You wouldn't want to step out too quick. Sherri was a lovely lady and Em did a special whale picture up for her during the week, which now lives on board the Ark Gallery.

Some father daughter time as we explored the local beaches near the Ark gallery.

Another must do is to have dinner at the Spanish restaurant on a nearby little island. Nothing else there but this house and a dancing goat. Yes dancing goat.

The goat pretty much runs the place and had his own table to hide under if he had been bad eg stealing food off our table.

The place has a real Robinson Crusoe feel to it and a local lady paddled her boat over to sell local village art work, Yes, Jodie bought some.

The owner comes out at the end of the night and belts out some songs in Spanish and he really gets into it. Possibly the beers help which he tried to hide behind the goat. The goat didn't really put on show for us as she needs to be in the mood but in all a true Island experience not to be missed.

Ross and Denise had never been in their three years of visiting so it was a first for them too. Most of their other guests come to fish and fish they do.

Relaxing swims in the old volcano ring. It was crystal clear and dead calm in both the evenings and mornings.

Sunsets and possibly sadly for Jodie Sunrises are magical over the various islands.

Cruising along the edge of the Japanese coral gardens was great as you can see the bottom without even getting in. Although we did jump in most times.

Searching out your own little secret snorkeling spots, there are just so many options.
"Which one do you think Em?" They were all so good in their own way.

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