Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rugby World Cup Semi Finals - Aust vers AB's

Finally after weeks of upsets it was time to see who would have to wait another four years to make the finals? We all mustered at Dom and Hannah's place and were quiet surprised to see they had actually put up an Ozzy sign not a bad start seeing it was supposed to be a BLACK OUT! Due to the lateness of the game we had a few no shows but the core of us turned up to give each other a good old ribbing! Friends, nibbles and beers what else do you need for a good game of RA-RA?

Again a change of outfits, but green and gold was the main theme for us Ozzies. Sadly though between us we don't actually own an Ozzy jersey. But we do have 2 Tongan ones now??

And in the All Black corner - The Walton-France's.

With decorations out and the pre-amble on we were all ready for the big (true) "Finals" game.

The kids are getting very confident at the Anthem.

The family that stands together, sings together.

After a shocker of a kick off the Ozzies finally get the ball back. Down in front!

No gambling in Tonga but Tomasi had a few bases covered.

Dom couldn't sit still the entire game. Star jumps, push ups and I think he also sat in every seat for a second or two.

Everyone was on tender hooks for the first period.

For some the game was just too long after a big weekend.

Em made the first 60 min, shame the Wallabies didn't.

24 years in the making but Dom there is still one more game!

Another four years. As we pointed out last time.

Luckily Lyndon strategically placed a few 4XGolds around the house, just to remind the Kiwi's we were there!

Have you found them all DOM?????

Aquathon Mum

The kids Saturday's are becoming very active lately with the usual Aquathon, Tennis in the arvo's and usually some sort of community event in the mornings. This week Sal had also organised a family cricket game. We all met at a local collage and had a hit around for a few hours. Then home for a quick lunch before heading to the Aquathon. This week was a ripper with the sun out the local kids were keen as mustard to join in the fun. In the end we nearly doubled our usual attendance but his enthusiasm flowed over into the adult aquathon and Jodie and the girls also participated.

For some reason Em was the keen one this week to get out there and have a bash.

26 participants consisting of both teams and individuals. Some of the little kids arms and legs were too small for the double digits even.

Not these guns though! Will these smiles still be there at the end?

Off they go 2km run, 200m swim followed by another 3km run. Nothing like being dragged along by the pack mentality hey girls.

Shoes off, time to hit the water! It's about now Jodie was thinking - "Why did we run so fast the first time out?"

The swim leg was a tad more difficult as Jodie had no prescription goggles so she stuck with Jen and Rochelle.

It was a team effort to get Jodie to the ladder safely.

With vision restored Jodie was now thinking - "Why did I do that swim with my singlet on?"

Final change over and back into those soggy shoes.

Off we go, nearly there Babe! Jen and Rochelle hanging in there also.

All done, there was only crossing the line and passing out left.

This face says it all - "What was I thinking?"

The entire competing gang. Lyndon stayed back and watched the monkies - piker!


Breast Cancer Luncheon

This years Breast Cancer Lunch theme was "It's in the Hips" with Spanish food, music and of course sangria. The invite had a picture of Shikira jiggling away with next to nothing on, and the organisers hoped we would all come along similarly attired or at least showing off our hips. No one was game enough but we all came dressed in something pink anyway. Similar to last years fund raising effort, the ladies from Crafty Fridays made "Bra Art" i.e handbags made out of bras. The auction of these bags was great fun and raised quite a bit of money towards the overall total, which ended up being over $8000 TOP. Many were also won as raffle prizes which made the winners extremely happy. The lunch was a huge success and we all had a great afternoon with friends and raising money for a good cause. Also in Tonga this month for Breast Cancer is a bicycle ride, community walk and a special church service.

The bags were on display at Fresh Cafe for 1 week prior to the lunch so everyone could have a good look and decide which ones they would like to bid on. Jodies' is the red one and Emilys' the next along with green and pink. Next was Rochelle's Ko-ko-nuti (a coconut made from 3 bras) which sold for $70, then Brenda's, Piani's "Candy Stripe 2 piece", which Jodie won in the raffle, Bec's "RWC Silver Fern"

Linda O produced the "Weekender" ($60), then another one of Jodies, the "Beduoir Beauty" ($50), then Miss Heilala by Rochelle & Piani and "June" by Bec.

Rochelle with hers and Piani's fabulous creations

Inside the Dateline Hotel, all decked out for 120 pink ladies.

Our dancing hippo table centre piece

Lola, Jen, Hannah, Jodie and Rochelle

Jodie and Breast Cancer committee member Zettie.

Zettie made herself a set of pull on hips as apparently her own ones were not big enough! Of course she won the prize for "Best hips". Other prizes included, most pink lady and best dressed pink lady.

The "Boobee" cake, an auction prize than ended up going for $400 and then kindly donated back by the GM of Digicel, to be re-auctioned. It raised another $70 before being whisked off to the Air New Zealand office for afternoon tea.

Finau Maka (Tongan RWC captain) and Linda O showing off Becs' fabulous RWC bras. The bras, NZ in black and Tonga in red, were auctioned as a pair as the two teams played the opening game of the world cup. A lovely Tongan lady eventually won with a bid of $180. Something tells me Finau was not quite sure what to make of it all, but he certainly got the crowd excited and helped increase the bids.

There were also hula hoop competitions, which were not quite as sedate as some thought they might be. Here is the Prime Ministers wife taking out Finau with her hula hoop, she obviously wanted to win real bad!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Rugby World Cup Quarter Finals - Aussie's & AB's

After such a great night last night we decided to do it all again for the OZ / Springbok and All Blacks / Argentina games. This time we moved venues to John and Annie's as they too have Sky TV. There was a little more on the line tonight as it is about a fifty/fifty mix amongst our friends. We were all so full from last nights feast that we only brought seafood nibblies and deserts.

The Quirke Tribe in green and gold. Bar Lyndon who went more Okka with his clubby cap. Steve couldn't talk to him because of it.

National anthem and the girls belted out a great tune.

And in the Ozzy corner we have the Cvetko's, McKee's and Quirke's.

Not to mention our ever fashionably late, Fineanganofo tribe.

With an entire Black out were the Walton-Frances.

Lots of cheering, beering and dancing was to be had when the Aussies won.

The kids took over Annie's egg couch so she hit the hay early, two nights in a row? What are those two getting up to that make poor Annie soooo tired???

Smiles all round!

And here's the reason why! Now who will we play? The next 80min will tell.

In the AB's corner we had the Walton-Frances, Bannon's and for a second inning some of the Fineanganofos'.

Dom feeling very confident (in his green and gold) and even gave a 20 point start to Steve (our only Argentina supporter)

Time for the NZ supporters to belt out their National anthem, anyone notice a rebel in the background?.

The kids warmed up by copying the haka and after that it was a slow start to the game, and you could even say a very nervous start for poor Dom and the rest of his AB supporters. Steve never let up about the Argentinians making a come back until the final 10min.

Which banner will the girls be laying under next week.

Go the Wallabies!!!