Sunday, October 9, 2011

Emily Rose turns 11

This years event was a two part celebration.Em and several of her friends have birthday's at the same time and to ensure they all OD'd on sugar for the month they had one party every weekend for a month straight. Thanks everyone that sent pressies and cards over, as you will see below she had a ball on her actual birthday opening them all. We had a quiet day with pressies and a big breakfast followed by mum's test run cake for the birthday party, followed by dinner out - Em's choice and typical Tonga her Ex favourite restaurant no longer sells her favourite meals so it was off to Friend's cafe for a beautiful dinner.

Em getting into it on the actual morning of her birthday.

Two candles - 1 for Jodie to celebrate child birthing day and 1 for Em (Pooh still No.1 after all these years)
and they make up the number 11

Later in the month we had the actual Pool party. With a staggared start the girls made picture frames with shells and Lyndon got to glue them on. Emily had been collecting them for months. Hopefully there will be some left when we leave. Once she even got a bit eager and brought one home with an animal still in it. Her room stank for weeks, poor Jodie & Maria were beside themselves trying to find the source of this incredible stink.

Nothing like a little Sea horse action to warm the girls up.

Pressie time, a common theme could be seen in all the green presents. Hmmmm Em's favourite colour at the moment possibly?

For all the whinging about not doing house work the girls loved the test of endurance. Jodie had to compete to make up the numbers.

Next was the beach themed shuttle race. Lyndon had to demo clubby hat and all.

Some people like Necie made it look easy.

Others like Jodie NOT so easy.

Then there was Mu, who just made it look great!

This was the group photo which we put in everyones picture frame as a momento of the day.

Toot's showing off her super natural strength.

This event was a last minute entry by the girls. Bet they wished they were really on sand now? That is after some of the stacks.

This years cake creation(requested by the birthday girl) but made by mum was a rainbow bird in the sun! (incase you can't see it) We imported some lollies from NZ and Oz to help with the decorations and party bag treats.

After a BBQ, more lollies and a dip in the pool, it was time for cake.

Some of the girls hung around and joined Em in the Aquathon and they called themselves "The Rubber Duckies!" Now only another 12 months to prepare for next years. Dyl got lucky and headed to Tomasi's for the day - Em was quiet strict on the NO boys rule minus Dad!

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