Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Breast Cancer Luncheon

This years Breast Cancer Lunch theme was "It's in the Hips" with Spanish food, music and of course sangria. The invite had a picture of Shikira jiggling away with next to nothing on, and the organisers hoped we would all come along similarly attired or at least showing off our hips. No one was game enough but we all came dressed in something pink anyway. Similar to last years fund raising effort, the ladies from Crafty Fridays made "Bra Art" i.e handbags made out of bras. The auction of these bags was great fun and raised quite a bit of money towards the overall total, which ended up being over $8000 TOP. Many were also won as raffle prizes which made the winners extremely happy. The lunch was a huge success and we all had a great afternoon with friends and raising money for a good cause. Also in Tonga this month for Breast Cancer is a bicycle ride, community walk and a special church service.

The bags were on display at Fresh Cafe for 1 week prior to the lunch so everyone could have a good look and decide which ones they would like to bid on. Jodies' is the red one and Emilys' the next along with green and pink. Next was Rochelle's Ko-ko-nuti (a coconut made from 3 bras) which sold for $70, then Brenda's, Piani's "Candy Stripe 2 piece", which Jodie won in the raffle, Bec's "RWC Silver Fern"

Linda O produced the "Weekender" ($60), then another one of Jodies, the "Beduoir Beauty" ($50), then Miss Heilala by Rochelle & Piani and "June" by Bec.

Rochelle with hers and Piani's fabulous creations

Inside the Dateline Hotel, all decked out for 120 pink ladies.

Our dancing hippo table centre piece

Lola, Jen, Hannah, Jodie and Rochelle

Jodie and Breast Cancer committee member Zettie.

Zettie made herself a set of pull on hips as apparently her own ones were not big enough! Of course she won the prize for "Best hips". Other prizes included, most pink lady and best dressed pink lady.

The "Boobee" cake, an auction prize than ended up going for $400 and then kindly donated back by the GM of Digicel, to be re-auctioned. It raised another $70 before being whisked off to the Air New Zealand office for afternoon tea.

Finau Maka (Tongan RWC captain) and Linda O showing off Becs' fabulous RWC bras. The bras, NZ in black and Tonga in red, were auctioned as a pair as the two teams played the opening game of the world cup. A lovely Tongan lady eventually won with a bid of $180. Something tells me Finau was not quite sure what to make of it all, but he certainly got the crowd excited and helped increase the bids.

There were also hula hoop competitions, which were not quite as sedate as some thought they might be. Here is the Prime Ministers wife taking out Finau with her hula hoop, she obviously wanted to win real bad!

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