Monday, October 10, 2011

Ocean of Light yearly school concert

This year Em's class performed a Ta'alunga and Jodie, Maria (our Fijian house lady) and Em built her outfit from scratch. Dylan opted not to join in with his class for their traditional boys dance. They may look simple but Em needed all the help she could get to put it all together on the day. Lyndon missed this years performance as he was off fishing in Vava'u. This years theme was traditional and they also had displays of the semesters work for parents and friends to look at.

Una and Maria help dress Em. Maybe some hips might help keep it up?

You can build anything with a hot glue gun and some feathers

All done and looking good.

Maria made her Teki too.

Where's mum's outfit?

Some of Em's class mates. L-R Em,

Em's an old hand at it now but when she's stuck in the middle of Royal's and Nobles she's still the novice.

Dylan showing off some of his art work (traditional grass weaving)

Em made this little critter for her classes aquarium display.

Just to finish up, a random shot of Pebbles and Karen from next door. Just so you can keep an eye on how fast she is growing (yum yum).

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