Monday, May 27, 2013

A little bit of Tonga back at our home in Cairns

Arriving back in Cairns on Thursday 24 January 2013 was a shock to the system, as flying in we noticed so many changes to the city.  Our 3 year journey was over and another chapter in our lives about to begin. The kids were happy to be back in their house and very excited to see their friends after so long away. It was a busy first weekend back as all of our stuff from storage arrived on the 25th, we unpacked over the weekend and the kids were back at their old school on Tuesday 29th.  It didn't take long for new routines and old friendships to be established which made the settling in process a stress free one.

Back to where it started, this is us when we arrived back..

This was us when we left 3 years ago... only difference is the kids have grown quite a few more centimetres.

It took 3 months for our shipping container to arrive from Tonga and once it was unpacked and all of our handicrafts put on display, our home in Cairns became a smaller version of our home in Tonga. Below is a snap shot of some of the things we bought home with us to keep the memories alive.

A Tongan turtle tapa, with hand made frame by Mal, and our Christmas present from Rochelle, a frame with a Tongan symbol representing each one of us. Lyndon is the coconut tree - strong and resourceful, I am the handbag - needs no explaination, Dylan is the fish - again, no explaination necessary, Emily is the kupesi - a tradition pattern representing craft

Our island beach scene, Emily's hand painted frangipani flower, and our family photo with Bundy

My very busy Tongan corner with fans, handbags, pictures and baskets

A constant reminder as we walk out the door. Our island map from Tiani and Moti, the clock from the Fifitas, our kava bowl and Wally the whale.

Outside we have our clam/turtle carving (fixed by Lyndon as it got smashed on the way over), our Tongan Navigator stone carving, Emilys traditional dance costumes and an assortment of fans and hook wood carvings

More wood carvings, mainly Lyndon, Dylan and my fishing trophys and our lovely Kava Lady tapa hiding behind the fish tank.

The pool table made it home (not in one piece mind you, lucky Lyndon could fix it)

And last but not least the pool table light and mirror ball.

We will be going back to Tonga in June/July 2013 for a 2 week holiday to catch up with friends and to participate in the Kings Birthday long weekend celebrations and the Technical Advisors reunion. Stay tuned for a final Tongan wrap up after those festivities, which will be a fabulous way to end this amazing experience.

New Zealand Holiday

We had a lovely relaxing flight to Auckland and then went to visit the Tamu family for a few days. The last 6 weeks of partying had finally caught up with us all and we didn't do much except rest, relax and catch up with our friends. We were not used to the cold, so staying indoors was a great idea. It was also good that no activities were planned because Dylan got a severe ear infection and spent the second day in hospital on a drip and the following 2 days resting.

This was pretty much Lyndon and the kids for 2 days, watching movies and taking it easy.

Time to move on to Aunt Elwyns', where we had 3 days to do a spot of shopping, some sight seeing, and more relaxing. After 4 days of heavy duty drugs and a final check up at the hospital, Dylan was back to normal and ready to enjoy the last few days of his holiday.

Down at the marina we saw the Italian entry into the next Americas Cup, which was in Auckland for trials.
Elwyn pottering around in her rose garden

The view of Mairangi Bay at wine o'clock on Elwyns' balcony

Off to Snowplanet again for a few hours on the slopes

The view out up to the top of the run

My little snow bunnies

It was early in the day and they pretty much had the run to themselves

Elwyn and I had the good sense to stay indoors in the cafe with the fireplace and coffee

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Leaving Tonga Jan 18, 2013

A very seedy and tired Quirke family gathered at Friends Cafe for our final breakfast which was lovely as many people called in to say goodbye again, and drop off more gifts. Our luggage was overflowing but we manged to squeeze in an additional few items - a medium sized clock, a wall hanging of Tangatapu Island, another handbag, two fans and a beautiful 6 panel tapa. Lyndon met with the guy who had bought Blah Blah to finalise the sale and caught up again with 2 of his Tongan work mates. Lyndon's replacement Jon even dropped by to wish us luck, which was lovely. Tiani drove us out to the airport which was a fitting end as it was he who collected us 3 years prior when we first arrived. When we got to the airport the 5 Fines were there, along with Mal and Karen and Linda and Sione, so we all had coffee and more goodbyes.  With heaps of tears it was time to board the plane and wave goodbye.

We're leaving on a jet plane, don't know when we'll be back again....

It is hard to make out the faces but that is the 5 Fines and Mal up at the barrier

With a last minute purchase at the duty free shop, we were finally on our way.

The fun didn't really stop there. We had a week holiday in Auckland to catch up with Lyndons' Aunt Elwyn and to spend a few days with Shayne, Leilani and PK, friends that had lived in Tonga 6 month prior.

Final night with the 5 Fines

Back at Sal and Rochelle's house, it was time for the kids to have their goodbye party. By this stage is was about 11pm and no one was anywhere near ready for bed, even though we had to get up early to fly out the next morning. So, out came some more drinkies, the lanterns and glow sticks to celebrate our fun times. 

A typically organised Rochelle had a lantern for everyone in their favourite colour

Up, up and away - a beautiful sight drifting across the city, off into the darkness

The following shots are of Dylan and Tomasi with glow sticks. Lyndon worked out how to do some funky things with the camera flash so we got some cool photos.

The boys soon got exhausted from waving their arms around and the girls had no more lanterns to release so it was up to the verandah for the last goodbyes and a "one for the road" drink.

Ahhh, here's to the memories

Emily saying her goodbyes to Chewy

The location of many a misadventure - the Fine verandah

Goodbye, farewell.. watch this space - we will be back!!!

Our last day - Farewell Dinner at Waterfront Hotel

It has all come to an end very quickly and what better way to finish it off than a dinner at one of our favourite places, The Waterfront Hotel. We gathered the usual suspects, had 6 bottles of Moet to get through and laughed the night away with many stories and beautiful food. After a lovely speech by Mal and a phone call from Dee in Ireland, it was time to leave the restaurant because they were turning the lights off and we had run out of Moet. The party continued on at Rochelle and Sals' house, but that is the next entry.

Around the table we go - Mal, Karen, Tori, Jack, Steve, Lyndon, Rochelle, myself and Sal

Here's to us and our fun times in Tonga

Lots of love for Sal and Rochelle...

And for Mal and Karen...

And our little Irish friend Steve....

And we can't forget Jack

For some reason we thought it would be good to swap shoes to see if anyone would notice - answer NO, probably too much Moet.

A nod to our Tongan party past - we piled into the party van (not NZ007 from days gone past) but our hire car for the night...

..a quick lap around town out of the sunroof, then it was off to the Fine house for last drinks!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Our last day - Hash House Harriers Run

No pressure on our limited time frame or anything, so I decided it would be fitting to set the Hash on our last night in Tonga. We started from out the front of Little Italy (how convenient for us) and had a lovely afternoon run along the waterfront and through the village of Kolomatu'a. At the end of the run, Hash Master Mal (AKA The Cardinal) read out our family stats for the 3 years (which I can't remember), and I promptly downed, downed my last free hash beer.

This site is familiar along waterfronts around the island - the sticks help hold the pandanas bark while it is getting bleached and softened by the sea water

On On Tonga Hashers!!!

A pit stop to say goodbye to our friend Elina (who is now the house lady for the Kick family), luckily we ran straight past her house

Dylan, Tomasi and Sese having a rest in the tree when we got back

One more photo for the road - Rochelle, Piani, Emily and me

I think the shirt says it all

Here's to the Hare, she's true blue, she's a hasher through and through, she's a piss pot so they say, tried to send her to heaven but she went the other way, singing down, down, down, down, down..........