Sunday, May 26, 2013

Our last day - Farewell Dinner at Waterfront Hotel

It has all come to an end very quickly and what better way to finish it off than a dinner at one of our favourite places, The Waterfront Hotel. We gathered the usual suspects, had 6 bottles of Moet to get through and laughed the night away with many stories and beautiful food. After a lovely speech by Mal and a phone call from Dee in Ireland, it was time to leave the restaurant because they were turning the lights off and we had run out of Moet. The party continued on at Rochelle and Sals' house, but that is the next entry.

Around the table we go - Mal, Karen, Tori, Jack, Steve, Lyndon, Rochelle, myself and Sal

Here's to us and our fun times in Tonga

Lots of love for Sal and Rochelle...

And for Mal and Karen...

And our little Irish friend Steve....

And we can't forget Jack

For some reason we thought it would be good to swap shoes to see if anyone would notice - answer NO, probably too much Moet.

A nod to our Tongan party past - we piled into the party van (not NZ007 from days gone past) but our hire car for the night...

..a quick lap around town out of the sunroof, then it was off to the Fine house for last drinks!

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