Sunday, May 5, 2013

'Eua day adventure

One day we decided to go on a tiki tour around the island, so into the ute we all piled (all 15 of us) and off we went.

First rest stop to stretch our legs, the local high school to check out some art work on the walls

Then off to this amazing cliff face where the wind rips up the cliff and if you throw something out over it, it flies right back at you

Back into the ute we go to the next place

We found this cool looking nut along the way

A little bush walk through to the land bridge, and then back around over it on the other side

So many beautiful horses in this area

This is a newly built walkway down to the "Smoking Hole" A beautiful little waterfall that is sooooo deep that when the water finally hits the bottom it comes back up like whiffs of smoke

Over to the next stop and a bush walk up to a huge banyan tree, this is everyone on the way back up the root system

Final spot a little swimming hole that was absolutely freezing, didn't stop the kids getting in there though

The day didn't end well for Emily who was bitten by a wasp on her lip. This is her Angelina Jolie impersonation, her lip stayed swollen for 24hrs poor little thing

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