Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lyndon's Birthday

So with the big celebration held the night before it was time for a quieter time of it on the actual day of Lyndon's birthday. Because we were moving out of the house 2 days later most of the day was spent on packing and cleaning, with a little nap thrown in for good measure. That night we had Craig over for dinner and then met up with the Bishops in the compound for more fireworks - of course.

Hip hip hooray! - Moet bubbles and garlic prawns what else does a man need

OK so Mal and Callum started the proceedings with a box of "Bad Boys" of their own.

Getting ready for round 2

Emily doing a victory lap with her sparklers

Time for the Harry Potter wands, the adults were in there giving it a go also

Trouble makers all of them - Dylan, Emily, Anna, Karen, Tori and JP

Siwa our night guard got his nieces and nephews to come down to check out the action. Poor man, he had put up with  fireworks every night for 2 weeks.

Not to be outdone by Mal and Cal, Lyndon pulls out the out of date boat flares, just to lighten things up a bit. It was his birthday and he was doing whatever he damn well wanted - so he told us.

Of course Craig had to be involved so he got a flare of his own.
Another happy birthday done and dusted for LMQ.

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