Wednesday, May 22, 2013

January 2013 General Activities

There was alot to cram into the short space of time we had left. The beginning of the end started with Emily completing her second art commission for Digicel Tonga. This is her painting "Tongan Raindrop" in Digicel red of course. The first one she did for Steve was loved so much by his wife Dee, that Dee took it home to Ireland with her. Steve had to pay for another to be made for the office boardroom. Her first "Tongan Raindrop" was in blue and was made as an entry into an art competition run by the Waterfront hotel, it was purchased by our friend Linda Oto. Since then Emily has painted a purple one for her friend next door Jade, and a green one for her friend here in Cairns Jasmine.

Emily and Digicels' new artwork. She is with Digicel management Jack, Mahe and Steve.

Adding more chaos to the 5 Fine household are 2 baby kittens. Of course it didn't take long for Emily to get her hands on them. Emily and Piani took it upon themselves to give the kittens a scrub before they were allowed in the house, good thinking Mu.

Kittens really do look like drowned rats when they are wet.

One afternoon we were off to Timote's to drop off the last of the giveaways and to say goodbye to his family and of course pebbles - Karens' pig. Timote had given Karen little pebbles when she was 3 days old, now at 1 y.o. and about 120kg she has returned to Tim, to live out her life as a prize breeder. All that food Karen gave her definately set her up for the good life.

Dylan giving pebbles a goodbye pat

Lyndon and Tim, with 2 of his 6 kids

Bye bye pebbles, you were such a good piggy

On our list of things we hadn't yet done during our time in Tonga was dinner at the Seaview Lodge, the restaurant known as a place for "special ocassions". The food is amazing (an expensive), the hosts eccentric and has decor that needs to be seen to be believed.

Yep, we can tick this off our list

This amazing wall art is all one carved piece of wood

Just what every restaurant needs - a life size wooden baby whale in the hallway, again, so amazingly life like.

Another night it was off to the Billfish for a few quiet drinkies, is there is ever such a thing I ask you???

The very creative Billfish Christmas tree, made entirely of coconuts and chicken wire - love it!!!

Just hanging out at the bar with Tony and Eva

Sorry, this entry belonged in December but I forgot about it. After Lyndons 100th hash everyone in the compound went down to the Navy Base for the base Christmas party. I stayed at home with the kids for a change as I had hurt my ankle at hash and needed a night off from the partying. 

Lyndon with Solomone, who was a great friend to us during our time in Tonga, he is now in the US

Some of Lyndons work mates

Our last dinner at the compound was a welcome BBQ for the Kick family. Before they arrived we took a few last minute snap shots of the girls.

Emily and I with Moti (Tiani's wife) and Eva and her girls

Last shot of the DCP boys - Mal, Tiani, Dave, Lyndon, John and Ben

Sal and Lyndon were very concious of the fact that Rochelle and I would miss each other terribly once we left so they organised to send us away for the night to have some last minute bonding without distractions. So, off to White Sands we go for a final hoorah, bless you boys!!!

The sign says it all "The Ultimate Office"

Here's cheers to three years of fabulous friendship and for many more to come

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