Sunday, May 26, 2013

Final night with the 5 Fines

Back at Sal and Rochelle's house, it was time for the kids to have their goodbye party. By this stage is was about 11pm and no one was anywhere near ready for bed, even though we had to get up early to fly out the next morning. So, out came some more drinkies, the lanterns and glow sticks to celebrate our fun times. 

A typically organised Rochelle had a lantern for everyone in their favourite colour

Up, up and away - a beautiful sight drifting across the city, off into the darkness

The following shots are of Dylan and Tomasi with glow sticks. Lyndon worked out how to do some funky things with the camera flash so we got some cool photos.

The boys soon got exhausted from waving their arms around and the girls had no more lanterns to release so it was up to the verandah for the last goodbyes and a "one for the road" drink.

Ahhh, here's to the memories

Emily saying her goodbyes to Chewy

The location of many a misadventure - the Fine verandah

Goodbye, farewell.. watch this space - we will be back!!!

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