Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our first farewell party

Our friend Owen had just moved into a great place out on the Western side of the island and offered to hold our farewell party there (it also doubled as his house warming) so who were we to say no. Steve organised for the Digicel crew to provide the DJ entertaiment for the night, the catering and the staff to clean up all our mess - bless him. Steve was on strict orders from his wife Dee back in Ireland to give us "a right royal send off or else" so of course being the good husband he is, he did just that. It was a great night topped off by our friend Jack finally singing for us. He is a renowned opera singer (he also sang at the Crown Princes wedding)  who always promised us a song. He sang "The Lords Prayer" for grace and it was amazing.  The pool is shaped like a boat and you could not keep the kids out of it. With plenty of good food, company and booze it was certainly a night to remember.

The back deck of the house, a great location for a party

See, we told you it was a great place

Sunset was blocked by the trees, but I think Owen is working on that little problem

The girls loved the pool... did the boys

Hello princess, always wanting to be at the pointy end.

This is early in the afternoon, at the start of the party while things were calm. Lyndon is with Paula from Holtys Hideaway, Sal and Owens' kids.

Sal, Steve, Lyndon and Jack - 4 times the trouble

Not to be outdone were Paula, myself and Rochelle

Piani and Emily held our drinks while we had our photos taken - bless them

Piani taking after her father, whose Hash name is "The Inhaler". Do not call welfare - this is a staged photo and no wine was injured in the taking of this photograph!!!

Us with the lovely Kevin from Digicel - he is a great laugh, although this is his serious look, so he tells us

Jack singing grace

Speech time before dinner - can't remember a thing I said, wish someone had videoed it.

Finally out of the pool, Dylan with his mates Stefan and Adrian - multi tasking with dinner and chess on the go

Group hug with Karen, Sal and I before Lyndon jumped in to do his best Paul Wilkinson impersonation - "thank you very much".

A little group photo Eva, Rochelle, Karen and myself

Elizabeth and Jonathon Kick - our replacements

With the DJ hotting up, space was at a premium on the dance floor. It wasn't particularly safe with all that pool water on the floor, but nobody seemed to mind too much

Me with all the little girls

Team photo - Owen, me Lyndon, Jack, Steve, Kevin, Jo and Nane

Me and the big girls - Karen, Rochelle, Christa and Liz

Me and my wing man Sal, I guess you can tell that this is much later in the evening

Yes, much, later

Much, much later

I don't know how Sese replaced Piani on the couch but this is too cute to leave out

The long, dark, windy road through the bush back to our hotel on the other side of the island. Sal had hired a driver with a mini van for the night so we slept the whole way home in safety and comfort.

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