Sunday, May 5, 2013

'Eua Activities

Most days we just lazed on the beach, went for walks or just hung around watching the cricket. We had beautiful weather and a very relaxing holiday.

Dylans' turn on the horse

Then Emilys'

The kids hanging out at the swing

The girls spent nearly every day at this spot making a bridge with drift wood, only to return the next day to see it dismantled by the local kids

Dylan made his own spear to catch fish underwater - no luck though

Piani, Alice, Emily and Lata after a snorkel trip

Dylan and Lyndon went out fishing one day with one of the locals

And they manged to catch dinner

One of our little trips to explore the other side of Deep Resort

A nice little swimming hole for the kids to play in

A natural picture frame for a Quirke family photo

And one for Sal and Rochelle

The girls made themselves a little boat each and we sent them off into the unknown one afternoon at sunset.

Emily and her boat

Harry high pants going for a snorkel out of the channel

A final swim and fish, late in the afternoon on our last day

A group photo before flying back to Tongatapu (missing the Emenys' as they flew home the day before)

Off to the airport Tongan style, the kids and Eva in the trailer with the luggage, the rest of us were in the back of the ute

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