Friday, May 24, 2013

Tonga Defence Services Farewell

The Tongans love leaving everything to the last minute and the TDS - Tongan Defence Services is no exception. Lyndons farewell function date had changed so many times it was beginning to look like there would not be one at all. Eventually they settled on the Monday night, just 3 days before we flew out and it also doubled as a welcome to the Kick family. It was a small affair as most people were out of country and due to budget cuts we were only allowed to invite 4 guests, sad but true. None the less, many kind words were spoken about Lyndon and his contribution to the TDS over the last three years and Lyndon returned the love with some lovely words of his own.
Lyndon hanging with a few of the CO's Sione and Holo and one of the Lords of the Realm (sorry but I have forgotten his name) 

The usual suspects - Pete, Jodie, Karen, Mal and Judith as acting High Commissioner

Craig made the cut as one of our nearest and dearest.

What farewell wouldn't be complete without my Tokoua (Brother) and Rochelle, Mal and Karen

Sione was Lyndon's first CO when he returned on VOEA PANGAI back in 2010 and now he was the acting CO Navy for his farewell 2013.
Siane first crashed Lyndon's computer systems back in the start (She's a TDS computer tech) not to mention she turns up at all our functions. She is a magical dancer and as such always ends up at any TDS function. She even turned up to Hash a few times. Thanks for all the memories Siane.

Lyndon receiving his present's from the Brigadier General Uta 'atu.

Of course Jodie could not leave without another Tongan hand bag and fan.

Speeches! Lyndon says he hates them but he got some giggles, it's still unclear if it was intentional or not.

Handing over his present to the Brigadier.

Lyndon designed and made his own presento and combined Traditional Tongan artwork with the classic Ozzy Boomerang. All mounted on 'Eua timber supplied by Steve the wood carver.

A close up. Hope it goes straight to the pool room.

No feast is complete without a puaka - one of our special little guests. Yummy Yummy

It was an early night for the girls who took the kids home to bed, but not for the boys. Having what they called "their last hurrah" Lyndon, Sal, Steve, Owen and who ever else they could get their hands on went for one last drink at Reload. One turned into many and Lyndon staggered home at 1am or there abouts.

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