Thursday, May 16, 2013

Leaving DC3

It is always sad to say goodbye to something which has become such a big part of your life. DC3 or the "blue house", as it is known around town, has, for the last three years, seen so much fun with so many fabulous people. The kids have had an opportunity to raise chickens, have a flying fox and huge bedrooms (something they definitely do not have at home).
We have listened to the most amazing singing and big band music from the high school across the road and have made some wonderful friends that we shared our amazing experiences with. In the end though this house has provided us with memories of a life time and gave us 3 years together (in one spot) as a family, which is the most important thing of all.

Emily's room starting to be sorted into boxes, she had so much stuff it was difficult to know where to start.

The job was a lot easier in Dlyan's room, he had no where near as much stuff as Emily

Our friend Elina sealing my tapa, (which hung on the dining room wall) prior to packing. Little speedy the chicken was supervising.

This is the tapa that Katri and Tapu from the TVB gave me on our last day. Together with the one above, they will be framed and mounted to hang inside the deck as a feature roof,  just like the fales in Tonga.

So this is how much space we had to fill with all our belongings to go back to Oz.

The fishing gear was Lyndons' priority, so many lures and rods.. will they all fit?

So box loads of clothes and toys etc etc - easy enough BUT the big dilemma was moving the pool table

Lucky there was a few helpers. It took a flat bed truck and 6 Tongans to get it under the house when it first arrived. Here it is leaving the house with 8 Tongans and no truck, with further to move it - poor things glad it wasn't me. Although I must say, it did only take 3 guys to remove it from the container at this end and put it on the verahanda here in Cairns...just saying!

So we did a good job using up most of the space.

Lyndon in his supervisors position. The kids will miss their tree house, swing and flying fox. This was the best mango tree ever! Especially with all the fruit we got in summer 2011.

Emily with Speedy, the little chick Dylan rescued at just a few days old. She is 6 months old in this pic and was due to start laying any day, sadly for us we would miss her first eggs.

The veggie patch all cleaned up and ready for the Kick family. It gave us great crops of tomatoes, carrots, snow peas, cabbage, potatoes and shallots. We left all our remaining seed packets with the Kick's so we hope they get bumper crops too.

Such a huge space under the house when there is no pool table in the middle.

Lyndon and Timote having a beer together on the last day in the house. He is a great gardener and a lovely man - thanks for all your hard work Tim, and for putting up with Lyndons crap over the years! One of our home grown paw paws is on the ledge, bloody birds always got to them first.

Farewell DC3, thanks for the memories!

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