Sunday, May 5, 2013

Christmas Day

After a bit of a late night, we finally got to have a few hours sleep before the excitement of Christmas morning was upon us. We were all up early with the church bells ringing and the Tongans singing - it was a great start to the day. We had an early breakfast after opening up the pressies then went next door to spend the day with our other family The Bishops. Karen and Mal had some guests over for bubbles on the balcony in the morning and when the others went home it was time for lunch. Karen and Mal put on a fabulous spread for lunch, then we promptly went home for a nana nap. Later that evening it was back to Mal and Karen's for dinner then another movie in the compound, the great Aussie classic, Man from Snowy River.

The 2012 Christmas haul

The kids getting stuck into the pressies

My gift from Rochelle - " Another Fine Design" headpiece

Lyndon with his pressie 5kg of good old Aussie prawns

Dylan with his stash

Emily with hers - thanks to everyone who sent stuff over for the kids.

My yummy breakfast, just like in the cafe. Loving my huge Tongan coffee mug which says "First cup of Coffee in the world Everyday!" so true. My little bit of Tonga for home in Oz each morning

Emily needed a rest on daddy's lap during the morning

Christmas lunch with the Bishop family, thanks for a great day Mal and Karen

The Quirke family

The Bishop family

Ready for an afternoon nap - Karen, Milly, Jock, Dylan and Lyndon

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