Friday, May 24, 2013

Our last day - Hash House Harriers Run

No pressure on our limited time frame or anything, so I decided it would be fitting to set the Hash on our last night in Tonga. We started from out the front of Little Italy (how convenient for us) and had a lovely afternoon run along the waterfront and through the village of Kolomatu'a. At the end of the run, Hash Master Mal (AKA The Cardinal) read out our family stats for the 3 years (which I can't remember), and I promptly downed, downed my last free hash beer.

This site is familiar along waterfronts around the island - the sticks help hold the pandanas bark while it is getting bleached and softened by the sea water

On On Tonga Hashers!!!

A pit stop to say goodbye to our friend Elina (who is now the house lady for the Kick family), luckily we ran straight past her house

Dylan, Tomasi and Sese having a rest in the tree when we got back

One more photo for the road - Rochelle, Piani, Emily and me

I think the shirt says it all

Here's to the Hare, she's true blue, she's a hasher through and through, she's a piss pot so they say, tried to send her to heaven but she went the other way, singing down, down, down, down, down..........

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