Sunday, May 26, 2013

Leaving Tonga Jan 18, 2013

A very seedy and tired Quirke family gathered at Friends Cafe for our final breakfast which was lovely as many people called in to say goodbye again, and drop off more gifts. Our luggage was overflowing but we manged to squeeze in an additional few items - a medium sized clock, a wall hanging of Tangatapu Island, another handbag, two fans and a beautiful 6 panel tapa. Lyndon met with the guy who had bought Blah Blah to finalise the sale and caught up again with 2 of his Tongan work mates. Lyndon's replacement Jon even dropped by to wish us luck, which was lovely. Tiani drove us out to the airport which was a fitting end as it was he who collected us 3 years prior when we first arrived. When we got to the airport the 5 Fines were there, along with Mal and Karen and Linda and Sione, so we all had coffee and more goodbyes.  With heaps of tears it was time to board the plane and wave goodbye.

We're leaving on a jet plane, don't know when we'll be back again....

It is hard to make out the faces but that is the 5 Fines and Mal up at the barrier

With a last minute purchase at the duty free shop, we were finally on our way.

The fun didn't really stop there. We had a week holiday in Auckland to catch up with Lyndons' Aunt Elwyn and to spend a few days with Shayne, Leilani and PK, friends that had lived in Tonga 6 month prior.

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