Thursday, May 16, 2013

New Years Eve 2012

Our NYE parties always have a theme and it was going to be hard to beat last years Viva Las Vegas extravaganza but we settled on a TOGA PARTY - TON-GAN STYLE, complete with vines and plastic fruit everywhere, Greek food and plenty of great outfits. The Ancient Romans and Greeks were famous for having extravagant, wild and crazy parties, so not to be outdone we hosted a toga party with a Tongan twist. We all ate, drank, got very merry, watched fire works and celebrated 3 years of fabulous friendships and adventures.

As usual it was a mad rush after getting back from 'Eua that day to get our NYE party up and running. This year we had it catered so that was one less thing to worry about (although not really as they forget about our party and we had to wait for them to throw something together for us, in the end they over compensated and we had so much food everyone went home with huge doggy bags). Ahh, somethings will remain uniquely Tongan! Once again Rochelle and Piani did the signage to set the mood, and they rest they say, is history!

Tongan style toga wearing Quirkes. Take the "N" out of Tonga and you have Toga, aren't we a clever bunch!

Lyndon bought his own birthday present, another box of Bad Boy fireworks....
just add beer and ........ heaven help us all!!!

We were impressed by the effort everyone put in to stick to the theme, there were certainly some great outfits getting around. The following is a snap shot of some of guests.
Donna and JJ, Donna scored extra points because she went out and actually had her dress made for the occasion.

Adrian, Christa, Stefan and Attie definitely went for the traditional attire

Bobette, Brendan and baby Edward. Edward was asleep most of the night and Sese thought he was a doll.

Ahh, leave it to the 5 Fines (and the Who) to out do everyone else. The family that dresses together, stays together. This is a huge Samoan tradition where the entire family wears the same fabric either in a different colour or different style. Lucky for them there was enough in each colour to get a toga together, and the matching flower head band.. well it just speaks for itself really. Outstanding effort team!!
The delightful Richards family, Brianna, Pauline, Ruby and Bryant

Over the last 2 years the Fab 5 dwindled down to just Rochelle and I, now known as the Terrific 2 (or Troublesome 2 if you ask Sal and Lyndon). The mirror ball in the back ground belonged to Sals mum Sita, it is 20 years old and came over by ship from England back in the day. This is its first time out of the original box and Rochelle gave it to me as my farewell present, talk about a special gift. It now hangs with pride in our deck overlooking the pool for us to admire and reminisce about the good old days.

The mirror ball in its new home, along with its Tongan friend, the pool table light from Club Kelly. The sparkles on the ground from the light reflection is so cool.

So back to the party we go....

The Tatafua family, Toukia, Big Sam, Samuelea and Ulalula

The best dressed couple of the evening Mal and Karen. Mals' home made Roman sandals of thongs and the shoe laces from his work boots got him over the edge.

Emily and I just love any excuse to dress up, the Tonga fabrics are just so wonderful to work with and sooooo cheap.

Paula and Timmy Too Good. Tim lost points for taking his matching kit off too early. He didn't care - he had beer.

Happy Birthday to Lyndon, still a baby at 41.

Spicing things up with Christas' wig. In fact that wig was the hardest worker of the evening with almost everyone giving it a go.

Oh no, where on earth did the girls go??? The 3 of them, Piani, Emily and Brianna do this every year.

Oh hello, there you all are!!

After much food and laughter, the pool sharks came out. Karen was leading the pack.

See I told you the wig worked hard. Here is Fahu (AKA the Who or the Rock) rocking long black locks and his "I am not afraid to wear pink" head dress.

OK so things are winding down now and Rochelle and I needed a foot stool. Dear Sal offered to do the job, bless him!
Even later in the evening, Anna is showing off her dance moves with Sione.

Time for the fire works so we started getting everyone out into the compound, took ages though as no one wanted to stop playing pool. Unfortunately we didn't get any good still shots of the fireworks but hopefully the little video below will do.

Happy New Year Tonga and Happy Birthday Lyndon

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