Saturday, September 15, 2012

Christening of Tiani's youngest, Ben Finau.

Well at least another twelve months have passed and we were once again invited to Tiani's youngest Benjamin Savea Finau's christening. It was a great experience for our guest Hel's and Jeff who also came along for the church service. Tiani had his wedding Ta'ovala on this time and was as casual as ever out the front with Moti who was also looking very beautiful. After the church service we we're all invited back to his house for a feast. They put on a great Finau spread and we hung around for most of the afternoon.
Handing the little fella over in front of the congregation. If you look closely you will see that Tiani's Ta'ovala (Mat) has small red bird feathers stitched into it.

Looking back into the church, she was a full house but Tiani tells me she was just the same as usual - just with a few extra palangi's in the back.

Trick for new comers to Tiani's church no shoes allowed in so there is a million slippers/thongs/jandles (what ever you want to call them) at the front door.

The proud parents out the front of the church after the Christening.

The entire compound and some A base staff from the High Comm where invited back for the feast.

Brothers, not in Arms but Tapanu's.

It seems young Jr brought a few bad habits back from his trip to NZ last month. A new PS2 made the luggage home.

As soon as Ben was awake and fed Em was all over him.

What do you think Jodie. One more?

Finally we caught the entire Finau family together. Thanks for the invite and feast Tiani. Malo Aupito.

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