Friday, September 28, 2012

Vava'u Emily's game fishing experience.

Emily also came up with a theory if Mum and Dyl can do it so can I! Dyl by this stage was not so happy as he had to wait for another fish to be landed before he could jump back in the hot seat.

It didn't take to long after Jodie's fish for the big 37kg rod to start screaming and young Em lept into action. Dyl and Denise cleared lines, mum on the camera and Dad on the seat. We were becoming a well oiled team.

Lyndon was very excited. "Go princess! GO!"

Em was loving the thrill of her first Marlin as we had seen this one hit the lure and Dyl was watching out for all the tail jumping like in the movies and DVD's.

After a 10-15min of the fight the line went dead and the fish had thrown the lure. We think as a result of all it's acrobatics displays. She was a green (feisty) fish. Better luck next time Em.

We had only one more strike that day about 200m from our anchorage but again dropped the lure and it was a monster too. Lyndon was excited as he thought he was on. The next day we headed out for our last day and headed to the middle FADs, first pass and we were on. Em was in the chair once again. Dad there for support. 

Em was happier this time as she had this one on the smaller 24kg outfit. It wasn't a monster and we thought it may have initially been a Sailfish but.........

Em had a fight on her hands and between her hooking up and now Lyndon had already pulled in his Mahi Mahi and was cleaning up.

Finally after her longest fight ever she had landed..........

A nice Mahi Mahi. No fish for the rest of that morning but everyone had caught fish and Em was over the moon that she caught the prettiest fish. We slabbed the Mahi Mahi up and even got to take some home. Em's final words of wisdom to Lyndon were " Don't worry Dad there is always next time!"

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