Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our last general events for August.

As Jodie said to me "what a strange mix of events for an entry" but it sums up a good portion of our August with rain, sun, wind and road works right out front.

The house is full of dust but our Chinese mates have been going great guns and hopefully it will be all tarred before the wet season begins. Which by all indications this year will be a ripper. Boys being boys - Dylan kept a close eye on the big machinery

The Mango tree was in full flower until a big blow came through one night, hopefully it will still be a bumper season.

Em finally got Stephen's Digicel Red Rain drop finished and handed over. It may be a while until she agrees to take on another commission piece. Another $100 top in her pocket though!

A rather large Sunday session (Dee's last) at the fishing club with a few of our visitors.

Finally Dylan has allowed us to post one of his art pieces.

It was a big month of building for Dyl and Stefan who also made this traditional Tongan hut.

The BBBL had a golf day gathering in the rain (well Sal and Lyndon did) then we all met at Cottage Breeze with our wives for a great dinner and a even better laugh. What a night to be stuck outside too as it bucketed down. Lucky the tarp held up!

Finally after many years of watching the wharf at the fishing club slowly go under, it was time to build a new one. 

Eva was the only girl but she was flat out most of the arvo.

As Dylan fished off the old wharf, the new poles were lifted into place and once we work out how to place one at the end of our new jetty it should be very secure. 

The building crew hard at it. We started with no tools and after lots of scavenging as everything shuts at 1200, we started at 1300. True Tongan organisation at it's best but look, something got done in the end.

Nothing strange here just Dyl combining some home work stripping the Tua Neu  (coconut tree leaf stems) with husking some coconuts for the chooks.

Umm.... where do I go with this one. Tapanu's are cumffy though.

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