Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shayne, Leilani & PK Depart Tonga

Another bunch of great friends departs our little island but not our lives. This time we saw off the Tamu family. It was a gradual build up of events starting with a farewell party at the Billfish, last early morning training, last early morning vaka, last Art piece for Shayne and finally a last lunch at Friends, so appropriate.
The sign says it all, now that we squeezed Shayne's name in there too.

Shayne and Vinni always get mixed up but they look nothing alike?

Here's trouble, drunk chicks with our camera. Leilani and Jodie cut a mean rug on the dance floor all night long.

Lyndon was happy to hang with the Digi Boys.

Group hugs for the brothers of other mothers- Stephen, Jack Lyndon and Sal. A few sore heads the next day too.

Some of Shayne's handy work at ACTS community school.

His second Tag.

Then with one day to go before departure he decides to squeeze in yet another activity. "You see" he says "Bro, you can't take the paint home!"

Shayne hard at work?

or was it a miss spent youth that has now come to the surface?

Not happy he hadn't used enough paint he decided to paint the Vaka container instead of coming out for a last paddle also............

He had this Tattoo done the afternoon before and was flat out walking. It was the tattooist and Shayne's adaptation from one of Leilani's family poems and it wrapped right around his leg. Impressive art work.

Shayne's final mornings paddle crew.

On our way to Friends for our last lunch in Tonga we stopped by to get a family shot with his lasting memories. Malo Aupito Tonga!!

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