Saturday, September 8, 2012

Miss Heilala Parade

Peta and friends had arrived and it just happened to coincide with the Miss Heilala festival celebrations so after a quick tour around town we came back through the main street in time for them to enjoy the Final parade after crowning Miss Heilala.
Miss Heilala 2012-13 led the parade and was doing a great job walking in the wet with monster high heels.

The traditional bands marched past us and everyone was very excited then........

They all started to break into their funky moves right at our corner and nearly every band stopped there and did something different.

These guys got the biggest reception. They really got into the groove.

Owen was the drummer for the Vaka float.

The Vaka's cruised down the street without a single 1 of the 5 Fines in sight.

Some floats were very traditional.

Even the Japanese community had a float and whistles. They threw the little float up and down the entire way. They must have sore arms the next day.

Dyl was a hard judge to impress.

Em loved the turtle carving in the back ground of this float. It is made from one piece of timber.

More bands.

Then all of a sudden we spotted Dyl's mate Bentley who is from our village.

The Tongan version of "Silence of the lamb's."

Another of Dyl's school mates was the pilot of the plane.

Tongan OHS at it's best - a travelling DJ high up on a fork lift!!

Would you trust these guys with your cargo if this is how they treat the work cars?

Even with the rain the streets were packed from one end of town all the way down the water front.

Peta's favourite float and I'm sure she wasn't alone though.

Yes Peta look at the camera it will last longer.

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