Monday, September 10, 2012

Atata Island for a weekend change.

Peta and the gang spent the 2nd week out at Atata so we decided to join them for the weekend. Sadly we had a rather large Friday night with friends and the next morning it was rough as and extremely windy. So much so Lyndon didn't even take BLAH BLAH over but chose to catch the local ferry. Lyndon slept the whole way, Dylan jumped around in the rough weather and had a ball while the girls went green and held on with white knuckles the entire way.

Emily quickly got her colour back and was off climbing trees as usual.

A father daughter moment as we strolled around the island.

Hanging out at the cabins, luckily they were all on the not so windy side.

Peta's bag was quickly filling up a she adopted every dog in Tonga and re named them but for some strange reason they always came to her. Could it have something to do with all the scraps she was feeding them. I think this fella was Lefty?

The view looking back at our Fale's from the beach.

That night we had a traditional night, a little light on the Tongan food but still there was plenty to go around.

The entertainment from the local village was very good though.

The kids had the best seats as we were the biggest group and one other couple who were also staying on the island.

Peta loved the Faka pale! How good is it slapping some cash on some well oiled Tongan boys. She had a few goes at it to make sure none of them missed out too.

All the girls got a flower necklace at the end of the night, from the same well oiled Tongan boys.

The next morning the God's had smiled on us and with no wind it was time for a touch of water sports. Fishing!

Stand up paddle board plus passenger. Faster Dad!

Dyl was his own skipper and even caught an eel for everyone to see.

Hunter gatherer. Dyl and the girls collected pipi's and he also ate them all.

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