Saturday, April 13, 2013

November - General Activities

The rest of November was filled up with a few other activities including the last "Pot Luck" dinner at 'Ahopanilolo Technical Institute, a training restaurant where students get to put into practice the cooking and serving skills they are studying as part of their Cert III in Hospitality. We have been supporting this restaurant for the 3 years we were in Tonga, and in my third year I was able to volunteer as an exam moderator, exam taste test panel member and also held a position on the Board of Directors. We also held many functions at the restaurant over the years so have fond memories of the students and staff.

Filling out my last feedback form.

I was a guest at the Graduation ceremony the next day and after a lovely ceremony and prize giving, the students performed a few songs and were then all presented with leis' from family members. Some poor students could not walk off stage without assistance they had that many gifts on.

One of the students performing the ta'alonga (traditional dance).

Another night, another dinner party... this time a farewell for Anny and the Wilkos (I know, how many farewells can one lot of people have???)

The usual suspects around the dinner table. It is great to have so many wonderful friends. 

Ah, the girls showing the love to Jen.

                                    This time we were at Lunarosa for Mals' birthday, just another quiet dinner out.

Happy Birthday Mal.

Tori, Me, Karen and Jenny.

Tonga is lucky to have some great people that donate a lot of time, money and effort for the enjoyment of others. This particular day Jo and Vinnie Kupo from Kingdom Koffee, in conjunction with Chathams Airlines sponsored a kite flying day and BBQ for the locals. It was a great kite flying day, all the kids got one for free and had a sausage sizzle afterwards.

The American Wharf chock full of kite enthusiasts.

Emily with her kite.

Little Italy is a favourite restaurant in town and they also do alot for the community. The hotel had just undergone a refurbishment and they decided to share with the community by putting on a concert, some dinner and drinks and display the largest Italian flag in the world (or, so they said).

Under here is the new Little Italy.

The defence crew enjoying the evening.

Karen and I on the red carpet - all very flash for Tonga.

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