Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hawaii - Big Is, Kilauea Caldera by night

Within the Kilauea Caldera is the steaming Halema'uma'u Crater which can be seen from the safety of the Jagger Museum Lookout. Both nights we went up to the lookout (with hundreds of others) to get a glimpse of "THE GLOW". It had not been visible for some months as lava action was elsewhere under the earth. Prior to our visit, it became active again, hence the huge crowds. Definitely an amazing experience, it was very cold up there and you could hear the steam venting and definitely smell the sulphur, even though we were miles away.

It was hard to get good shots because we didn't have a tripod for the camera, but these are the best ones.

Yes, it was definitely cold.

Such an amazing experience. Back in the day, way before OHS, people could just drive up to the crater, walk over to as far as they could stand the heat and have a good old look. Now days the safety zone is many kms away.

It was very interesting inside the museum, with many amazing photos and stories. This box explained how the black sands were formed...

...and the green sand.

One last photo for good luck.

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