Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hawaii - Kauai, Waimea Canyon Drive

Straight after the helicopter ride the weather fined up and we were off on another road trip. This time to the other end of the island to Waimea Canyon National Park and Museum. A bit smaller that her sister in the Nevada desert, the Waimea Canyon was nicknamed by Mark Twain, "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific". There were truly amazing rock formations and colours with plenty of lookouts to stop at along the way with short walks to see it all.

At the start of our climb

The view from one of the lookouts 

Lyndon did not enjoy driving on the wrong side of very narrow, windy roads

It was a bit of a slog up to this one but the view was worth it.

Yay, at the top at last

Off to another lookout....

...where you couldn't see anything for 20 mins due to fog cover

And then it cleared to show the US Military Observatory

The sign says it all, we had only just flown over this spot in the helicopter about 2 hours prior

More of the amazing view

This was the scariest part because the dry desert cliff face drops hundreds of metres straight down into lush tropical forest.

No safety barriers or warning signs here, they just hope you don't step too close to the edge.

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