Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hawaii - Maui, Molokini Coral Gardens Snorkeling Tour

 Another highly recommended tour was this day trip to Molokini, an ancient volcanic "tuff cone" that was formed by an underwater explosion hundreds of years ago, it has eroded into a slim, crescent shaped island sheltering a marine reserve.  This half day tour had plenty of activities to keep us busy, dolphin and turtle spotting, a bit of snuba for the kids, slide, glass bottom viewing area and a yummy BBQ for lunch. A perfect weather day finished off with a wander through the markets while we waited for the bus home.

First view of Molokini Crater. At peak hour, there are up to 12 boats in the basin and you are not allowed to climb on the island, this makes for a busy snorkeling lane.

Emily getting fitted up for the snuba ( a cross between snorkeling and scuba diving).

Lyndon supervising the fit up.

And ready to go. 

In they go.

And off they go. 

It was hard for them to work as a team and go in the same direction, each saw something different and swam off away from each other which did not work well.

I just snorkelled and took photos. The coral was ok here, much better than anything we had seen so far, there were also a large volume of fish but not a lot of different species.

Lyndon played around with them also.

The dive instructor doing his perfect bubble circles.

Slide time while having a rest and waiting for lunch.

Also time for a look below from the glass bottom viewing room.

Back in the water after lunch. 

A perfect ride home with plenty of cold Bud. 

Dylan hung out the back with the crew who were trying to catch dinner on the way home.

Heaps of turtles swum by in "turtle alley", a popular sport for turtle watching.

Having a little rest after wondering around the markets and waiting for the bus home.

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