Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hawaii - Kauai, Na Pali Coast by boat

Flying over the Na Pali coast was not quite enough for us so we booked a boat cruise to see it from the water side. It is such an amazing coastline and even more spectacular when you are up close and you are so small compared to the huge cliffs. It was a great afternoon and definitely something to add to your "MUST DO" if you ever make it to Kauai. We recommend the morning cruise as the afternoon ones then to be more rough due to the trade winds at this time of year. 

The mad rush to get snorkeling gear 

Dylan and I on the right watching Em make her splash in at a snorkel stop along the way up to the coast.

The first sighting of the season of a little pilot whale.

At the second snorkel stop, Dylan got to swim with a beautiful green sea turtle. We saw heaps of turtles on this trip and in fact, all over the islands. Definitely a rarity in Tonga.

Pods of dolphins came for a visit also but you could not swim with them.

The kids and the view.

Just enjoying a quiet Mai Tai with the view.

More dolphins swimming along side the boat.

Unfortunately, the sun was a tad bright and in the wrong spot for this photo, making it difficult to enjoy the full colours of the cliffs

Back to the whales.

Underwater time.

This is the US Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, not a bad place to work and live.
Our vessel for the day...

...which also had a slide off the back, proving fun for both big and little kids.

This is a waterfall inside one of the cliffs.

Lyndon and Emily getting hammered by the sea spray that was coming up and over the front of the boat and hitting everyone at the back. The captain actually had to stop the boat, turn it around so everyone could move inside, then turn it back around to continue our journey back to the wharf.

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