Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hawaii - Kauai, Road trip

Our accommodation came with a car hire deal on this island so we did our own road trip to check out the sights. Plenty of things to do and see on this island but unfortunately it is a big island so we couldn't make all the stops on the coast road we wanted too.  Oh well, maybe we will see the rest when we come back next time, so the kids reckon.

 The road side stalls had all sorts of weird and wonderful things and reminded me of Tonga.

The token yellow school bus.

This was a great play ground at one of the "best beaches" Lydgate State Park, so the guide book said.

Black sand beach, made up of tiny, black, shiny sand crystals where the ocean meets up with a local river system. Here we found a lone thong to take back to Tonga for Sal's thong tree.

Lunch stop at another great shrimp shack on the side of a road somewhere.

We took a scenic walk to this light house which had a great viewing platform.

Great views of the ocean and light house...

Emily checking our how big her eagle wings are.

...until you get there and it is under renovations and you can't get inside or to the top.

Apparently I would make a great Mermaid, so the kids tell me

A view of the Wailua River where the sea plane scene of "Indiana Jones" was filmed

Em and Lyndon inside the cave at Ha'ena Beach Park where some of "Pirates of the Caribbean 4' was filmed. This beach is the one after the famous surfing beach "Tunnels Beach" again from the film "Soul Surfer", we couldn't get down to it as there was no where to park.

Trying to be arty on the beach

Hanalei Bay is a groovy little hippy town where all the surfers come to hang out. Full of little cafes, shops and art places, it was a good little spot to stop for lunch mid tour.

Sorry, can't remember exactly where this beach was but there was a wedding there that afternoon and the beach was being cleared away so we didn't stop for a swim.

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