Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hawaii - Big Is, Day cruise, Captain Cook Memorial

Our last day on the Big Island was spent out at Kealakekua Bay visiting the Captain Cook Monument and snorkeling at a cliff face called Red Hill. This was by far the best coral and snorkeling we encountered on the whole holiday. Probably due to the fact that tour boats are limited to 3 and only 15 people on a guided kayak tour are allowed at any one time. Boat passengers and self guided kayakers are not allowed on the monument landing, only those who paid an extra fee with the guided kayak tour company.

Heading out on the water past our hotel.

Anchoring at the Captain Cook Monument, the place where he met his untimely death.

Getting ready to check out the fishes and the monument close up.

The kids love being under the water.

Finally some beautiful coloured fish...

...and some more.

Lyndon hanging off a boat anchorage.

He loves being under water too.

We spent alot of time having fun just jumping off the boat....

.....over and over again.

Emily is always off chasing nemo.

Time to hop back on board.

Finally a family shot.

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