Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hawaii - Maui Fishing Tour

Of course, the boys couldn't go past a spot of deep sea fishing, so off they went at 4am or something ungodly like that. Emily and I had a respectable sleep in, leisurely buffet breakfast, caught the bus into town and had a wonder around the shops. We picked the boys up just in time for lunch and then spent a nice afternoon  on the beach doing not too much at all.

A cracker of a day on the water weather wise, but sadly no fish. For the first time in goodness knows how long, the boys did not come back on the winning boat. In fact, their boat was the only one that did not catch any fish that day. Didn't matter though, as Dylan pointed out to the other whinging punters, "That's why it is called fishing... not catching!" A very wise 10 yr old indeed said the skipper.

Day break and the necessary gear for a big they thought. 

As usual, Dylan was where the action was, whether it was cutting up bait or setting up the lines, always willing to learn new things..but only when it comes to fishing.

Dylan was duty live bait catcher, nobody else was catching anything.

A lovely mountain view from out at sea.

Waiting patiently for his turn, alas it was not to be.

Time to head back into Lahaina Harbour.

Father and son, and both wish they had this collection of rods and reels.

No Joy should have been the boats name for the day.

Off to an old favourite for lunch.

Emily's feet are getting so big now, she nearly filled Forrests' shoes.

After fishing all morning we decided fish for lunch wasn't a bad thing and to have Sal's Hawaii stunt double turn up made it all the better.

The kids were too tired to continue hanging out in main street Lahaina, which was a real shame as I really wanted to go up to Micks place for a cocktail or two at sunset overlooking the harbour. Oh well, next time they tell me.

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