Wednesday, April 17, 2013

'Anahulu Caves

'Anahulu Cave is a stalactite cave with an underground freshwater swimming hole. We visited here on our first weekend in Tonga, and thought seeing as though we were coming up to the last of our weekends in Tonga, we should go again. It was also the start of school holidays so we needed something to keep the kids busy. It is a bit hard to see in some of these photos but it is a slippery walk to the water hole in the dark, as only some of the corners had a candle to light the way. All part of the adventure the kids reckon.

The boys leading the charge down.

Careful everyone, nearly there.

Once there, the kids were up on the rocks getting ready to jump in. Notice the candles to light the way.

Adrian, Alice and Dylan getting ready.

After our swim it was down to Kings Beach for a BBQ lunch, the weather turned so we didn't stay long. The boys decided to start their own fire, so off they went.

Christa was organised and bought along the cooker, a wheelbarrow tray and a piece of wire to hold in the snags.

With recent bad weather came all of this pumice stone, the beach was littered with it.

The incoming storm made us pack up early and head for home.

Not before a little walk along the foreshore, where, these village grave sites have the best view of the ocean.

Heading back to the car before the rains came.

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