Saturday, April 13, 2013

Around the World Dinner

Just for something different Christa decided to organise a dinner party but with a modern twist on the old progressive dinner theme. It was an "Around the World" affair, with 4 different houses presenting a theme and menu to represent the country of their choice. The duty drivers on the night had their hands full getting us to each house on time, as we just didn't want to leave each country.

First stop - Mexico, (at the Steele household) - for a good ole lick, sip suck tequila slammer to get us started, followed by margaritas and daiquiris.

A little spot of pinata to keep the crowd entertained.

Off we go to Spain with Craig, Marion and Alice

A great Spanish feast with Sangria galore and a spot of Spanish dancing.

Then off to Christa and Atties' for a touch of the Afrikaans as they are from South Africa.
Jaagermeister shots with a home brew beer chaser.

Christa and Attie getting all loved up.

It started to poor with rain so we all had to squeeze in under the balcony, but no one was complaining.

Sal and his gals.

Next stop, Singapore, at Adrian, Kate and Dwaynes' house.

Sal and I with our matching prizes.

With a break in the weather we could let off our lanterns.

It took awhile, but they finally got into the air.

The Singapore Slings got everyone up on the dance floor, Gangdam style.

At the end of the night I was chosen to give the thank you speech, which was an honour. We all had a fabulous evening and each house put in so much effort to stick to the theme and keep everyone entertained.

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