Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vahe Hihifo District Athletics Day - the Action

Unfortunately for our school, attendance was not compulsory (like all the other schools which had about 100 in each of their cheeer squads) so only a handful dedicated brothers and sisters showed up to support the competitors. The kids had been in training for 6 weeks and even though we didn't win any ribbons the kids gave it their best. Dylan was selected for 100m sprint and long jump and was both nervous and excited. On the day however, in true Tongan fashion, they changed the lineup for the sprint and he didn't end up competing. He came second in his long jump heat with 3.2m. After being told that there would not be any finals we went home, only to find out the next day there was and because he wasn't there he missed out on a chance of winning a ribbon - oh well, nothing really goes to plan in Tonga sometimes.
Naomi, Emily, Jess and friend.

A few more kids from our school.

Warming up for the sprints (Dylan in black cap).


Dylan waiting to jump with his fellow competitors.

No rake, lots of weeds and a few holes in the runup track, but no worries.

Off he goes.


and OUT

and DOWN, 3.2m

Some of the parents cheering on during the sprints.

Ualala giving the hurdles a go.

The hot track didn't stop the action, most kids ran in bare feet or just their socks.

Our girls in the baton relay.

Security at the front of the marshalling area - all kitted up to stop those naughty pushy sports parents from getting in.

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