Monday, April 25, 2011

SAVEA - Return to Clownsville

After multiple delays with the Tongan Patrol Boat VOEA SAVEA's Life Extension Program (LEP) in Townsville, Sam's time was quickly running out so Lyndon had to return for a couple of weeks to finish off the LEP on the 21Mar. Well that was the plan - but another delay here, another week there and all of a sudden Jodie was panicking. She was constantly reminding me don't forget we leave for our trip to the states on the 29th April !!!!! Yep I'll swim home shall I? was one reply. Thankfully the weeks went by quick. The boys spent my first week or so in the hotel, that was until the boat was finally habitable back in the water. It all became a little hectic at the end with defect rectification, system training, sea trials and shopping for the boys. I think they emptied cash converters out too. We all worked straight through for the month but don't panic 40+ kg of Kava was also consumed by the boys with some help from the local Tongan community.

Finally a daylight departure from Tonga!

If you recall from my last visit there was no vegetation on the Strand but it has made a great recovery after cyclone Yasi.

My first view and I had to ask Sam if they had actually done anything since I had left?

A few weeks on we were finally ready to hit the water, inside was still quite bare though.

VOEA SAVEA in the move with the travel lift. Quite quick too I might add.

Did I mention impressive too. Time for her bum to get wet, finally!

Fit out was hectic and the boys moved on board about a week later.

In with the new and out with the old. The boat coming out is one of Soupy's FSM boats and now it too is late because of SAVEA. Sorry Bud!

FSS Independence commencing her lift.

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