Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Busy day - Event 1 Pasikala at Liku'alofa Resort

Due to the Tsunami last week, the ride was moved to this weekend which made for a very physical weekend for the Q tribe. After we talked mum into an early rise for a 0730 ride at the other end of the Island it was all on. Our local pasikala group are attempting to educate the local villages with rides across the Island and to get them used to seeing cyclists (wearing helmets).

Most of us loaded the bikes into our cars and drove to the resort for the start.

Moo and Toot's warming up with some wave dodging.

The view back at the resort from the rock wall. After a quick prayer, the Police led off. Dyl showing off some of his tail gating skills. Possibly not the best vehicle to practise on though.

Jodie and Rochelle enjoying the sights and having a chat along the way.

After a long ride and big breaky what better way to get some feeling back into your butt than a relaxing paddle without the kids.

Only reason there were no kids was because they found a big slimy rock to skid across.

Dyl's turn. The stopping wasn't always the prettiest though.

Just in case there wasn't enough carnage, all 5 decided to go at once. Not one injury....amazing!

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