Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Odd Bits

While waiting for Dad to return, mum had the job of entertaining the kids during the school holidays, week 2 outings included attendance at the High school athletics championships for Tonga.

Nothing but the best seats for the kids and friends.

The atmosphere was electric.

The kids varried from running shoes to Jesus sandels (bare feet)

Finally a sporting event with shade.

Food stalls around the event and the home woven hats on the boys.

Other entertainment included the second biggest sport on the island netball.

Fresh fast food. If you own a BBQ in Tonga you can open a stall anywhere.

Dylan teaching Sal a thing or two before he breaks a leg. Possibly too many beers.

Lyndon's new Tongan beer cooler.

Farewells to Boonie and Wendy freinds of Sal and Rochelle (who was living it up in Brisbane - with kids)

One of Dylans carrots but they need a little softer soil to grow down ward?

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