Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter in TONGA

After a few weeks of arts and craft we were sure to have enough Easter decorations around the house. With chocolate in Tonga being either out of date or too expensive the rellies and Lyndon came to the rescue to assist Mr Easter Bunny in delivering a huge stock pile to us in Tonga.

Some of the creations from our next door neighbours craft day designed by Jodie and the kids.

The hunt was on!

He was a tricky Bunny and put them everywhere, even in the tree house.

Some stood out a little more than others though. Now Blue Berry's eggs look big.

Dylan with his stash.

Em spreading hers out in colour order before having her choccy breakfast.

Jodie started with real eggs first.

We followed our big breakfast up with a little church with our new house lady (Maria) and her boys. A Baptist Church service and half in English just for us Palangi guests.

Our singing didn't wake everyone, Lyndon even thought he could hold a tune.

Maria and her boys after the service.

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